Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's about Jesus

Much of my emotional energy is spent thinking about me, and about you. It is not a bad thing to consider myself and to allow myself the freedom to really know me.  It is a blessing to know you, and to see your beauty and to hear your heartbeat.  I want to know and be known.  Today, however,  feels like a special day. I just returned from the Allume bloggers conference where God stirred in me a desire to really disciple women through my blog. I long for the words I share and the way I share them to be an encouragement as you walk with Jesus, or even as you consider what it would mean for you to begin to walk with Jesus.  I have been wrestling about what God desires for this blog and this sacred space and so in this moment I want to lay down my wrestling heart.  I lay down my mind filled with the ideas of women who have gone before me and have been used mightily by God to bring blessing to readers.  I lay down this moment and  I set it apart as holy.  

Instead of thinking about my dreams and hopes and aspirations, I want to ponder Jesus. I want to take a moment in the holiness of this still Sunday afternoon and ask the question, "Jesus, what are your dreams?  What is on your heart today? What is it that you are passionate about in this hour?"  I want to stop to know Jesus in the way I stop to drink coffee with a friend and in the sipping and sharing she opens her heart and her mind and reveals beauty, and joy, and a deep longing.  I need to know Jesus.  I need a quiet moment with my Saviour.  

Years ago in a flurry of writing and inspiration this poem, based on the "I am" statements Jesus breathed in the Gospel of John,  took shape.  I'm going to spend some time with it and let God speak to me once again. 

The Word Made Flesh

Alive, In touch
The Word Made Flesh
Among us,Now in Us

The Messiah, Salvation
Rescue from sin
Messiah, Salvation
Our peace deep within

The Light of the World
Exposing the darkness
Light of the World
Revealing God

Bread of Life,
Bread of Life
Delicious and sweet
Bread of Life to meet every need

The Gate
To the kingdom of God
The Gate
Beauty adorned
Heavenly desire is born

The Good Shepherd
Strength and provision
The Good Shepherd
Nurture with vision

The Resurrection and Life
An empty grave
Death is defeated
The Resurrection and the Life
Eternity conceived
For those who believe

The Way
Unique, Only
Narrow and few
The Way
Fellowship with God
For those who would choose

The Truth
Nothing False
Complete and whole
The Truth
Word of God
Light to the soul

The Life
Joy, freedom, and grace
The Life
Shout out, Worship,
Run with me in this race

Sweet Jesus, let me enjoy you in every moment. Let me consider you, not only in your relationship to me, and how knowing you benefits me, but let me just love you.  Fill my mind with images of you stooping to heal a woman in her bleeding, speaking to the wind and commanding it to be still, shouting "come forth" and the dead man walks. Fill my mind with images of you opening a door to salvation for a 15 year old girl sitting on an Italian beach, me with a handfull of sand, telling her this is how much God loves you.  Fill me with thoughts of those miraculous moments when you showed up in the lives of the hurting and broken and you brought redemption.  Lord, let me remember you as the Way, The truth and The Life today.  Let me know you as the resurrection.  Let me feast on you as the bread and the cup.  Let me be filled with you.  You are the longing of my heart.  You are the gift my words extend.  


  1. The whole conference, and your example Judy, encouraged me to focus more on Him and less on myself. "You are the longing of my heart. Your are the gift my words extend." Good words.

  2. Judy it was wonderful to meet and connect with you at Allume! I am just getting over to your site, and what I read is so the heart you shared with those around you at the conference. I am looking forward to getting yo know you better and see what the Lord is doing in and through you.
