Israel crossed the Jordan river and entered into their promised land after 40 years of preparation in the wilderness. They had their swords raised and the trumpets blaring. They wiped out cities and took the land, the hill country, the plains, the great cities... They plundered the land and ate from the crops they did not plant and got rich from the cities they did not toil to build. They were unstoppable. God was with them and they rode the wave of God's power and judgement throughout the land that God had promised them as their inheritance. It was their land already, they just needed to go in to claim it.
The problem came when they got sort of content with the cities and the towns they had already conquered. They got the idea in their heads that they did not need all of the land God had given them. They had enough. They could plant their fields, build their houses, it didn't matter that they left many cities still occupied with idol worshippers. I can just hear them now "I'm tired of war, let's settle down in this valley and plant our fields. If we don't bother them, they won't bother us..."
I am challenged today with the idea of how much of the promised land do I really want? I think many Christians get the idea that they are better than they used to be so that is good.. They grow complacent and content building their own lives and they stop pursuing Jesus. I want more. I want the whole promised land. It isn't enough to say that at least I am closer to God than I used to be and just get comfortable. I want to know God better. If the promised land for me is to be in an intimate relationship with the God of the heavens, I want it all. If the promised land is for my mind to be transformed by God's word, I want transformation. If the promised land is for me to be filled with God's peace, love, joy, compassion.. I say bring it on. I don't want to be a lukewarm ordinary, complacent Christian just barely making it, thinking well at least I am saved and I know I won't go to hell when I die. I want the promises of God. I want to walk intimately with my Saviour.
Here are a few of God's promises to us:
I will never leave you or forsake you! Yes! Jesus be with me!
I will continue the good work I started in you! Yes! Finish me in Christ!
I will go before you and make a room for you in my Father's house! Yes! Jesus, let my room have a view of your throne!
I have come that you might have life, and have it abundantly! Yes! Lord, abundant life!
Friends, let's not just figure this life is about just barely making it. Let's not become content with a little bit of Jesus. Pursue Him! Let Him have victory in you. Let's move on in to that place of promise.
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