Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Sordid History

Today when I was reading the Bible I noticed something new to me.  I was reading Lot's story and how Sodom and Gomorrah fell under God's judgement.  Lot was given a warning to flee the city by angels of God, in fact they escorted him out with his daughters and his wife.  Lot's family was given a warning to not look back, flee to a small town nearby called Zoar.  Only Lot and his daughters made it to the small town, wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt.  At least Lot was safe, but he was so freaked out that he went to live in a cave in the mountains.  I guess he feard God would judge Zoar too (although he was promised God would keep it safe), regardless he was running scared. 
Heading to the seclusion of the cave led to a perverted act by his daughters. They were so concerned they would not have children so they got pops drunk and went to lay with him.  Low and behold, 2 sons are born.  One will be the Father of the Moabites.  This is where I was intrigued.  I know of a very famous Moabite who had long been a hero of mine, her name is Ruth.  Ruth became the wife of Boaz, the Mother of Obed who was the Father of Jesse, the father of David.  Amazing, that puts this incestuous one night stand in the lineage of Jesus. 
Only God would not try to sweep that one under the rug.  He is not at all ashamed by the people in the family line in which he chose to be born. He didn't look at them and see the incest, the rape, the prostitute, the murderer and say forget it, I have to wait and be born into a more righteous family.  Jesus came to one that was a mess.  If a man had written scripture Jesus would have been born to a holy, royal family, or at the very least the less desirable ancestors would have been made to seem little more honorable. Instead he was born into a holy, royal, dysfunctional for generations, real as we are today, family. 
I am encouraged beyond measure.  Jesus didn't hide his sordid ancestral past. He didn't hide the skeletons in his family closet.  We don't have to hide either.  I feel like a mess on most days.  Life at the Webb house is especially messy right now because God has us making some very real changes. We are both wrestling with God and seeking Him on what is best for our family.  I am not ashamed to say it, I don't have it all figured out, but I am encouraged to know that neither did they-- the ones God chose to use, they didn't have it all figured out either. In fact they made some heinous sins, yet in so many ways, God redeemed.  I'm not going to be ashamed of my struggle. I'm not going to be ashamed of my history or my family history. I am just smiling right now, because I am in good company with those who have been redeemed.  Over and over again, we see that God doesn't come to us because of how amazing we are, He comes because He is amazing, He is loving, He is kind.  God gives so much grace.
As a side note...
I called to reconnect the cable so I could watch the Olympics. I just really like so many things about the Olympics. It won't be back on forever, but for now, we have it.  I prayed and struggled with what is God requiring of us in terms of cable.  I have peace about today.  I will wrestle again tomorrow, but only until I sense the blessing of God, then peace...

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