love, Judy
O People of God! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.
you must love the Lord your God with all your heart,
(monologue 1)
My heart is beating so fast, full of
passion, life, zeal, desire. For what, for who? Is it your
compassion Lord that moves me to serve others, to weep with those who
weep and to rejoice with those who are full of joy? Is it your heart
O God that makes me more concerned with how I can bless you and
others than how I can be blessed myself. Lord, is my heart a place
where you dwell? Is it a place where you can take my self centered
passions and transform them to reflect your desire? Honestly Lord,
before I knew you, I was all about me. Pride, fear, self
preservation were the ugly jewels in my heart. My heart was guarded
and protected by my own devices. I had it under lock and key. It
had been broken so many times. But in the brokenness Lord, you made
a home, you made a dwelling place in my heart. You have filled it
with love and joy, peace and passion, and hope, God you have given
me hope. O God let me love you with all my heart
O People of God! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.
you must love the Lord your God with all your soul
Monologue 2
The breath of life in me. My will, my
identity. It seems like it belongs to me. It is the depth of my
being. I don't even understand it. I can't grasp the concept of who I
am, even what I am. O the mystery of being body, and soul--
intimately connected, intertwined, yet even when my body fails, my
soul will live on-- I will still be me. O God let me love you with
all that I am. With every breath of life within me let me be a praise
to you. Let my will be transformed by you. Let me love you with all
my soul.
O People of God! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.
you must love the Lord your God with all your strength,
Monologue 3
muscle, flesh, bone, joints, body. The
work of my hands is a joy to you. The sweat of my brow to you is a
pleasing fragrance. My determination to work hard, to protect, to
provide, is something you have placed inside of me. There is a
strength inside of me which does not even seem like me. On my own, to
be honest I often feel more weak than I do strong. I feel more like a
failure than a champion. But you have promised, that even in my
weakness your strength is made perfect in me. That strength that
brings tenderness to my wife when she is hurting, or that faces up to
a hard situations instead of running away. That is strength. It is
your strength, Lord and with your strength in me I will love you.
O People of God! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.
you must love the Lord your God with all your mind
Monologue 4
Numbers, thoughts, names, grocery
lists, News casts, my mind is filled with so many things. All day
long thoughts make their way through my mind. Some linger, they
become a concern, an obsession even. Some just pass right through on
their way to somewhere else. From the moment I wake up in the morning
to the moment I close my eyes my mind is working-- planning, problem
solving, fretting, wondering. Even in sleep my mind goes crazy with
dreams about trains, cars, streets on fire. My mind is a busy place.
O God, do you have a place in the busyness of my mind. If you
whispered to me in the midst of all those screaming thoughts would I
hear you? Could it ever be Lord, that your voice would be the
loudest thought I hear in my mind. Could it be Lord that your
written word would so fill my mind that in the questions of life I
would naturally think the truth of your word instead of relying on
the wisdom of man. Oh God, Your Word is the truth eternal. Speak a
Word over me to quiet the static of the world. Let me ponder the
truth of your word with intelligence and diligence. Let me love you
with all of my mind.
YES and AMEN! Let all that we are reflect the God of all creation who sent His son to take on the sin of the world that we might be saved!