Friday, November 16, 2012

Parenting, Fostering, and Enjoying the Journey

My blog is feeling lonely for inspiration. I have been busy this week and I would love to share what in the world I have been up to and why I haven't been writing.  Jeff and I are preparing our house for who knows what.  I know it sounds like a crazy thing to do and what in the world are we up to you ask?  We have completed our 10 weeks of classes through DHR so that we can become foster parents.  This week we had a quick CPR class that wraps it up. We are now officially ready for one last home visit and assuming we pass our inspection we will be licensed foster/adoptive parents in the state of Alabama.  We talked to a couple last night whose caseworker told them they could be licensed by Christmas. Things never move that quickly for us Webbs but I am thinking our home may be fuller with more giggles, more tears, more running around, and best of all, more children cuddled on our laps reading the Jesus Storybook Bible.  I so look forward to time teaching precious little ones about the love of God for them.

Our hope is that God would bless us with a toddler and baby we could add as permanent members of our family, but if fostering is a role we will play along the way then I pray that God would give us His supernatural love for each child He brings into our home and that when it is time to release them back to their biological family, that He would give us extra grace to let them go.  In all things, I pray God would give us what it takes to make the most of the time we have with the children in our care.

This is a lesson for all us Moms and Dads.  We must make the most of the time we have with our children.  I have repented of over-scheduling my fall.  Zack is in school M-W-F mornings and on Tuesday and Thursday morning I have been attending and teaching Bible Study.  I have missed my son.  We began to have discipline problems with Zack. We were having to put him in time out and he was throwing full up temper tantrums.  Then yesterday I decided I would stop attending one of my Bible Studies. I told Zack when he was waking up that today was our day and we could do whatever he wanted.  He woke up at his pace, had breakfast without hurry, and we went to Early Works Museum.  We had a blast and guess what,  I did not have to put him in time out one time the entire day.  We returned from our morning out, ate lunch and he went straight to his nap without complaint.  He was tucked in with love and he slept the sleep of a child at peace. 

I have found that on days that I spend with Zack, really with him, paying attention to him, enjoying life with him, that he is more than happy.  On days when I am preoccupied with other things he has a tough time.  It isn't that every day needs to be fully devoted to Zack's fun times, but I think some days do need to be set aside for him.

I am on a journey of learning the tension of being a teacher of God's word and being a Momma and Wife.  I am called to all of those roles.  I delight in all of those things. I love being Zack's mom, and Jeff's bride. I love them dearly and sit back and wonder at the grace of God to let a girl like me have such an amazing family.  I love teaching God's Word too. There is nothing else that I have ever really wanted to do than to teach God's Word to inspire others to know of the deep, deep, love of God.  Honestly, I am so thankful for the call of God on my life to be wife, Mom, and Bible teacher/discipler of women.  It makes me smile with gratitude just to write it all out. 

He is so worth it...
What has God called you to do and be?  Remember that today, and do that very thing.  Stretch your arms out in the wide open calling of God and embrace Him.  And if you pray, please pray that God would bring our family together, all of us, that the ones we have yet to meet who are out there somewhere would come home.

1 comment:

  1. I pray for you to know the balance between your ministry and your family...that you will keep Jesus first, then your hubbby and son...and then your ministry opportunities will fall in place and be balanced not taking time from your personal walk with the Lord or the relationships He has given you with Jeff and Zach.

    I love that I can see your face light up when you talk about the Life God has carved out for you! So thankful to have met you in person!
